Welcome to the second year of the 5th and 6th Grade Music Video Elective!

Welcome to the second year of the 5th and 6th Grade Music Video Elective!  This year’s elective is actually called “My Mini-Music Video” as students will be encouraged to make simpler videos in small groups.  The emphasis will be on student-generated choreography for these videos, and lower-tech shooting and editing done completely on an iPad Mini. 

During the first week of this new elective, we reviewed the entries to this blog from last year to begin to form new concepts for a music video of our own.  Today, we began to explore how to formalize these ideas by beginning to form production groups and working on Concept Pitches.  The worksheet below was shared with students so that they could begin putting concepts to paper.  We look forward to solidifying these concepts by the end of the week!

Finally, all students in the video elective must have submitted a Photo/Video Consent Form.  Please click here to download and sign this form.  It should be brought to the next possible Elective class.

Attachment: Pitch Worksheet - Music Video Elective